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Graduate Faculty



Farhad Bahram, M.F.A. | University of Oregon, 2015
Assistant Professor of Digital Art and Communication
Gillum Hall | (812) 237-3298

Bahram是芝加哥新媒体研究领域的艺术家和教育家, performance art, and social practices. Born in Iran, 一个对所有类型的通讯都有严格监管的社会, 巴赫拉姆对理解个人行为的表现如何影响我们社会交往的结果产生了浓厚的兴趣. 他的许多作品质疑观众的功能和我们与周围人互动的主观机制.

Bahram has exhibited nationally and internationally, and his creative work has been reviewed and featured in Art PracticalPBS News HourVoice of AmericaThe Santa Fe New MexicanIranWireEugene Weekly, Tribune-Star, among others. 他的实践和研究得到了东京国际研究基金会的资助和奖励, The Office of Research at the University of Michigan, Arts Endowment Committee at Indiana State University, Ford Alumni Center at University of Oregon, and Society for Photographic Education. His recent paper on digital storytelling is published in Storytelling, Self, Society journal. 他在俄勒冈大学获得文学硕士学位,自2019年以来一直在澳门合法赌场官网担任数字媒体制作助理教授.



Darlene Hantzis, Ph.D. | Louisiana State University
Professor of Communication
Affiliated Faculty in Women’s Studies
Specializations: Performance and gender studies
Gillum Hall 326 | (812) 237-3658



Malynnda Johnson, Ph.D. | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2012
Associate Professor of Communication 
Gillum Hall 354 | (812) 237-3778

Dr. Malynnda Johnson是助理教授,现任研究生院委员会主席. In 2012 she completed her Ph.D. graduating from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. Dr. 约翰逊喜欢研究禁忌话题,并参与困难的对话. 她的大部分职业生涯都在研究性健康, STI and HIV prevention, and how we talk about sex in the media. In the fall of 2017, her first book HIV on TV: Popular Culture’s Epidemic hit the shelves. As a self-proclaimed nerd, 她还找到了将自己对福尔摩斯的热爱与研究结合起来的方法,在她第二本书的一个章节中,她写了福尔摩斯与媒体上对自闭症的其他描述之间的联系 娱乐媒体中的精神疾病和神经多样性正常化:让疯狂安静下来.  Currently, Dr. Johnson is embarking on two new areas of research. 首先是对媒体将健康和喜剧混合在一起的利弊进行考察. 第二部分是对媒体如何塑造预防观念的批判性分析.e. condoms and masks/face coverings). As a mixed-methods researcher, Dr. 约翰逊很高兴有机会与对健康感兴趣的学生一起工作.



Hyosun Kim, Ph. D. | University of N. Carolina, 2005
Assistant Professor of Communication 
Gillum 352 | (812) 237-2797

Hyosun Kim是澳门合法赌场官网传播系传播学助理教授. Kim’s Ph.D. is in Mass Communication, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in the field of advertising and media effect. 她的研究方向是营销传播和传播技术的交叉, 这篇文章探讨了技术在营销传播中的影响和挑战. Kim’s research interests include social media, corporate social responsibility, and direct-consumer advertising of prescription drugs. Specifically, 她最近的研究重点是社交媒体影响者的代言人效应,以及他们对消费者决策和说服知识的影响. 她在《澳门赌场玩法官网》上发表了她的研究, the International Journal of Strategic Communication, and the Journal of Interactive Advertising. Kim在ISU教授本科和研究生阶段的公共关系课程和社交媒体. Prior to joining at ISU, 她是威斯康星大学史蒂文斯角分校的终身助理教授.



Shana C. Kopaczewski, Ph.D. | University of Iowa
Associate Professor of Communication
Gillum Hall 353 | (812) 237-3220

Dr. 莎娜·科帕切夫斯基是澳门合法赌场官网传播系主席兼副教授.  她拥有爱荷华大学人际/关系传播学博士学位. 目前主要研究方向为人际传播与新媒体的交叉, particularly online dating, stigma communication, and discourses of the body in online environments. 最近的出版物研究了在线约会资料的可信度,以及在线约会中身份的表达如何被其他在线约会者话语控制和监督. Dr. 科帕切夫斯基还积极参与教师管理,并致力于通过与克罗地亚萨格勒布大学的教师合作伙伴建立和维护战略关系,为ISU学生开发基于课程的国际旅行机会.



Natasha Rascon, Ph.D. | University of New Mexico 
Assistant Professor in Communication 
Gillum Hall 316 | (812) 237-4577

Dr. 娜塔莎·拉斯康是一位充满激情的教育家,她喜欢邀请他人进行真诚的对话,从而促进理解和成长.  Rascon has studied various areas of communication, including organizational communication, intercultural communication, 人际交往与健康传播的交叉点, and conflict management.  拉斯康鼓励公民参与,并将服务学习纳入她的课堂.  她还担任该部门的学院挑战联络员和Lambda Pi Eta的教师顾问, 全国传播协会的全国荣誉协会.  Across campus, 拉斯康是毕业典礼演讲人选拔委员会的成员, as a commencement speaker coach, 无障碍资源办公室顾问委员会成员, and on the advisory board for Camp Kesem.  她的研究利用了意义的协调管理(CMM)和复杂的实际影响.  She has worked with health care teams, volunteer firefighters, and community members to enhance Autism Awareness.  Rascon也是国家通信协会的活跃成员,每年都会出席大会.  如果你喜欢应用,实用的研究,拉斯康将乐于协助你的追求!



Haijing Tu, Ph.D. | University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2009
Associate Professor of Communication
Gillum Hall 317 | (812) 237-4610

Dr. 涂海静(Haijing Tu)是澳门合法赌场官网副教授. She received her Ph.D. in 2009 from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. 主要研究领域为媒体技术、网络分析和受众分析. 她目前的教学重点是多媒体制作和研究方法. Her publications are included in journals such as Intercultural Communication StudiesJournal of International Students, and Pennsylvania Communication Annual. Prior to joining ISU, 2012年1月至2013年8月在林恩大学和犹他谷大学获得了宝贵的教学经验.



Richard C. Vincent, Ph.D. | University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Professor of Communication
Specialization: International communication and mass media
Gillum Hall 328 | (812) 237-3246